Monday, July 21, 2008

SDA Appointment

This is the day we have waited for for 16 months. Joyce and Dan could not stand waiting in their apartment while we had our meeting at the SDA so they demanded to come along. It is so nice to have them with us as they are so funny and easy to get along with. We were told not to wear shorts but capris were okay. Great, I had capris, what I didn't have was an appropriate pair of shoes. Of course I heard all the wise cracks from the boys about how many shoe shops we had passed in the last 2 days. What can I say (Kara) I don't like shopping for shoes. I lucked out as Joyce had on a perfect pair of mules and did not think twice about offering me them for the appointment and we wear the same size. She is my third sister! When I told Valentin to wait a second because I had to change shoes he LOL. Am I becoming a Ukrainian? (by the way, this was written by Wendy; Joe had an appropriate pair of shoes and did not have to borrow Joyce's)

The SDA was interesting for several reasons: They were 15 minutes late calling us in because we are approved for up to 3 kids and they were trying to find 2 more children for us to take home! Go figure adoption friends, I guess we could adopt unrelated children. Maybe they had some left over from last week! I would have brought home all the kids from Mariupol for you guys if I could have, honest. It just isn't that easy is it Lisa?! Next, they stated they knew we were here to adopt a preselected child that had stayed with us in the US. They asked when that was. We told them. Oh yeah, Valentin did no prepping before the appointment, we just answered the questions truthfully. Then she asked us to tell her about our family. We then saw Kolya's picture and paperwork. His information is the same; born to a mother who was born in 1964 and her parental rights were taken away and she still lives in Mariupol. The father died in 2001. No siblings and he may have something going on with his heart which is minor. Thats it. Just remember, no one smiles here and this is very serious. (sarcasm inserted). The mother is not allowed to visit the child once the parental rights are relinguished. Another lie the Stork and "She who must not be named" told. While we were sitting there the lady asked Valentin about the Matthew's appt on Wed. The SDA had not recieved a letter requesting a specific child (another strike for The Stork and David). Valentin called Dan to ask Nastia's last name because the SDA lady could not find Nastia in her Mariupol book. (Wendy then begins to panic for the Matthew's). But, she does find Nastia in the computer so all is well. It is really good that the Matthews came as Nastia was not "reserved" or set aside for Dan and Joyce due to the missing paperwork. When Joyce found out about this, she was understandably upset and it pretty much ruined her day, even though she knows Nastia is still there and the SDA will not adopt her out to anyone else before Wed. It's the fact that they almost did not come here as the Stork requested, that really bothers them.

We then commenced souvenir shopping just next to the SDA. There are many street vendors just like a flea market in Mexico who love to pressure you into buying their junk. We did. Graham was once again in his element as there is so much soviet paraphernalia. I have never seen this kid love to shop like he does here.

We picked up our paperwork (walking papers) at the SDA at 5 pm today. It kills me that we can't leave tonight on the train but the train is booked way ahead just like plane tickets and our tickets are for tomorrow night. We leave at 7:30 pm and arrive in Donetsk at 7am then drive 80 miles to Mariupol. Valentin warned us the kids are at camp and it is up to the director whether or not she will allow him to be at the orphanage while we are in town. He must be there when we arrive for the initial meeting to sign the adoption papers and he must be present for the court date, but whether or not he is at the orphanage or at camp in between, is up to the director.

We are getting along with Dan and Joyce so well we decided that when Joe and the kids leave after the court date, Dan and Joyce will move into our 3 room flat to save money. Our flat will cost $45/noc.

By the way, Twyla, thanks for the Febreeze. With 4 people sharing a bathroom, it comes in handy.

And Shelli, we are so pleased with Valentin. Please send us an e-mail to We thought we would have your e-mail address available using our webmail, but our contacts list is not available. Andrew was the best! We now have Edward for the rest of the trip, he does laugh at our jokes as hard as Andrew. We'll break him in (Ihope).
Joe here. I am providing a link which shows a better default view of our pictures.

We have no new pictures posted today. We will take pictures of the train which we will post some time after we get to Mariupol. By the way, our translator in Mariupol will be Edward. He has been working adoptions since 1999 and seems to know what he is doing.


Cyndi and Stephen said...

This crakes me up...I guess we could adopt unrelated children... because we were told we couldnt adopt unrelated chiksdren when we were there on July 9, I guess the rules change in their favor. Anyway, Im so glad the SDA went smoothly. I like the cell phone picture move from Valentin. By the way youll need shoes again for the court date, so may need to give in and buy a pair. That can be one of your Ukraine soveniers...being their shoes arent pratical for walking. So gald you have the Mathews, tell them we said Hi and good luck at the SDA, we leave to go home Weds. Cyndi

Unknown said...

Glad things went fairly smoothly. What an emotional trip, though, with all the ups and downs!

CavinessAdoption said...

Hey Ya

Wendy, you didn't take your 5" bright red stiletto's with you for your court appt's?!?! What were you thinking?

I'm so glad you have Dan and Joyce there with you. I know you were worried about being there by yourself after Joe and the kids leave, so that must definately lift some of the worry for you. Finally, things seem to be going smoothly and I am so happy for you guys!

I will send you Shelli's email in case she doesn't see this. And, since your trip is all about ME, were you able to give Valentin our paperwork?

Diet Cherry Coke and Russian Vodka?

We'll name it the Koyla!!!

Love to you all!

Brian and Tami said...

Wendy and Joe,
We are absolutely loving your blog and we are so envious and wish we were there with you all. I am glad that everything is going so well and that you are all together. It sounds like you are having a blast even in a stressful situation. We wish we could be there with you!!

Will you all do us a favor and try to verify that Nastia is still there? I know that the kids are off at camp and you may not even see them, but I am really scared that she isn't even there.

We are all very thankful also that the Matthews decided to travel at this time.

We look forward to hearing more about your adventure!!

Shelli's email is by the way...

Brian and Tami

Kathi said...

Okay I know this is about you but for a moment can we focus on me. This is the sixth time I have tried to leave a message. I just signed up with the Google thing and they refused me four times..I feel so rejected. Okay back to you all. I am so happy to hear that everything is going so well. I am a little shocked that after knowing you for about ten years I find out that you don't like shoes or shoe shopping. I am not sure I would have let you watch my child had I known. Thank goodness we still have cards and drinking. I love your blogs, it is like getting your christmas letter every day. I am glad you have Dan and Joyce with you. We are praying for all the families going through this process. I feel like I know most of you from all the conversations Wendy and I have had. Good luck and know we are thinking about you everyday. Kathi, John and Mitchell

Matt and Aimee said...

Thank you God! I am so happy that the SDA gave you the great news that Koyla is still there and Nastiya too!
And good news for us on being able to adopt unrelated kids, we really hope that holds true until we come for Anya, so we don't have to go back again for another girl.
If he is at camp can you drive to the camp to visit him? We have been following another families blog and they have been driving to the girls camp each day to see her, hopefully he is close by.
Take care,

Twyla, John, Duncan, Mari, and Misha said...

So happy to hear that the SDA appointment went well. Valentin sounds like he thinks quickly on his feet!
We can just imagine Joyce and Dan's frustration and are so thankful that Nastiya will be safe until they have their appointment on Wed.
We wish we could be there with you guys - it sounds wonderful to have all of the loving support in country!
Thanks for the photos and the captions - it is just like being there! Did the pioneer village have working windmills? I saw that there was one outside of Kyiv, it looked interesting.
Good luck traveling down on the train!
Hugs to you all, Twyla and John

Joe, Wendy, Graham, Elizabeth and Kolya said...

I did bring heels to match my dress for the court date. That comment is for those of you who were having a coronary back home.
All paperwork was given to the big V upon arrival. It was a little sweaty since you duct taped it to my body! Brian and Tammy and everyone else in the adoption group, I will verify the existance of each one of your kids even if I have to drive to the camp and camp out myself!

Adopting the unrelated kids was a fluke, don't count on it unless you bring separate dossiers.

We will try and go to his camp if the director lets us. It is up to her how much we can see him

The pioneer village only had old broken-down windmills.

I hope I have answered any of your questions! Keep commenting as we look forward to your comments as much as you look forward to our entries!
