Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2 Days and Counting!

Well the nerves are jumpin and anxiety is high as we are leaving on July 17th on our BIG adventure. We have 3 suitcases full of donations that we and many other people want to send, along with our stuff. Luckily, Lufthansa allows 2 bags per person plus one carry on per person. Three of the bags are duffle and will fold up into the other suitcases when emptied. It’s lugging them on and off trains and in and out of hotels without elevators that will be a pain.

The adoption saga has not quieted since our last blog, as a matter of fact, things have heated up even more. The couple that is currently over in Ukraine to adopt, originally had the 2 kids they hosted adopted-out to an Italian couple several months ago. They were then given names of another sibling group. They had their appointment with the Ukrainian government in Kyiv last week and found out those 2 kids were also adopted the day before they arrived. Two other couples who hosted children have had their children adopted before they could go over there and get them. So, guess what we are worried about?! You guessed it….will Kolya be there when we get there? We contacted the adoption people in Ukraine and asked if they could possibly find out if he is indeed still there before we travel. We have not heard back.

The next question is, if he is not there (i.e., already been adopted) would we go anyway? I think the answer is yes. I would keep the appointment with the SDA then go stalk the orphanage to see if they were telling the truth. We would consider adopting another child, but we really have not gone into that thinking process just yet. The reason we were adopting Kolya was that he fit nicely into our family and we grew to love him, not just to adopt. I have been told that once we get there we will want to save all the kids we meet. Luckily, we only have permission to take one home.

We will post pictures of our departure and increasingly graying (or in my case, increasingly curly) hair as soon as we find an internet café. We do have a long layover in Munich, Germany. Maybe they will have an internet cafe and we can download/upload some pictures. Stay tuned!


Twyla, John, Duncan, Mari, and Misha said...

Wendy and Joe,

Good luck and Godspeed on your BIG Adventure! Kolya will be so happy to see your happy faces!

We will be living vicariously via your blogs.

Twyla and John

Bob Alderton said...

We will keep you in our prayers
Bob & Allison Alderton

Seana Gates said...

Good luck and stay safe, We'll miss you at golf.

CavinessAdoption said...

Where the heck are you?!? I give you permission to go out with friends, and you don't even have the decency to call and let me know you're ok? You are so grounded next time I see you!

Thinkin about you guys, obviously.

Love Ya

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy, Joe, Graham and Elizabeth,
I didn't get to talk to you before you left on your big adventure so The Handley's have to say good luck via your blog. Stay safe and give Koyla a big hug from his cousins.You are in our prayers!
Love you all,
Mischelle, John, Sean, Trevor and Zane